Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kirby On His Heart Pillow Bed!

This is a picture of Kirby on her heart shaped pillow bed.
He is waving to his family, friends, and letter boxers!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Kirby has arrived in Ohio!

Kirby the Koala has arrived safely in Ohio. My family and I are so excited that she is here! We are getting ready to take Kirby to "The Most Magical Place on Earth!" Check back for an update on Kirby.

Kirby is heading to Ohio!!

June 19, 2008
I'm all packed and ready to go :) I should arrive in Ohio in a few days to visit LeafEater. I'm sure they will take good care of me while I'm there.

It sounds like I will be pretty busy while I'm there. Can't wait to get there, I hear that I'm going to Disney with them :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kirby just about ready to travel!

Kirby is getting herself ready to travel to Cleveland, OH on her first adventure!

She's packing her stuff, making final adjustments to her logbook, making sure her signature stamp is ready to go (oops, think we need to make a little felt pouch for it yet, better check on that)...then she will be ready to go.